Same here too... If we can be of any help just ask away!
We're planning on another Route 66 trip maybe next year. Previously we've done it in two halfs due to other constraints, but its about time we did the whole lot in one go. Maybe we should see who's renting out new Camaro's and see if we could get a Camaro Club group deal!
The one thing I would say Nigel is, doing it in an RV could create some problems as there's loads of Route 66 thats worth seeing in the smaller towns and you'll find it much easier to find a good Mom and Pops Motel than you will a decent trailer park. And you just try driving an RV onto Santa Monica Pier!
We've done a few big US road trips now and we never book anything (even against all advice in Vegas) and we've always found somewhere decent to stay each night with no problems. We just book 1 or 2 nights in a hotel or with friends when we land in the US and book the car in advance. From there on its open road...
I presume you've met Fran then A2k? and you know all about Ugly Crust Pies!
Agreed on Meteor Crater too. Far more awe inspiring than the grand canyon in my book.