Welcome Jamieg285 and Oddball as moderators
Thank you for volunteering! You should see a moderator option on the top right, this is where you can delete spam, inappropriate posts etc. (if not, log out and then back in again, may need to clear cookies if still no visibility after that). We've only had the one issue in 7 years, so you should find it pretty easy going
In general everyone on the forum is respectful and we've only had one post removed in the past decade, which was due to a user selling a vin tag and V5 without car. Otherwise, we support free speech etc. (as long there's no heavy hate). I've never been a fan of the admin power trip which happens a lot on facebook these days - people getting banned for voicing an opinion and admins also enforcing their "status" by reminding people they will be banned if they bring up x, y, z etc. There's no need for people to live under threat (my opinion).
How to post pics: When writing a message, scroll down and use the "attach file" option. Where possible, a photo sharing service can be used such as Flickr, Imgur etc. The image location (usually ending in .jpg) can be copy and pasted between the ][ brackets that appear when you click the 'Img' button (you can find this button at the top of the message box).
How to post youtube vids: Click on the 'youtubeHD' button at the top of the message box and in the middle of the ][ brackets that just appeared, copy and paste everything from the youtube web address that appears after the = sign i.e if this is the url:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2cNqaPSHv0 just copy "K2cNqaPSHv0").