If I'm teaching grandma to suck eggs here, apologies now. Had to change the water temp sensor today as it wasn't sending properly. As its been in the engine for at least 10 years, possibly more. Its located on the right hand bank of the engine (As you look in from the front) underneath the exhaust manifold in between the first two cylinders. It has a single spade terminal connecting it. Its very difficult to see if you have emissions gear fitted but make sure you pull from the terminal and not the wire. The fitment is a 22mm socket but because of the spade terminal, you need a deep socket, however, in a third gen fitted with smog gear, it is a tight fit. I used a stubby spark plug socket and short extension bar. Obviously, when you remove the sender, there will be a flow of water. If you can, put the new one in ASAP but I found it really fiddly and managed to drop a few lires over the foor ( even with a bowl underneath. If your new sender hasn't got PTFE tape on it, wind a few layers to ensure a water tight seal. I replaced the spade terminal for good measure Top up the cooling system and away you go.