Where's all my pictures in the above posts gone.......... ??? This thread is nothing without the pics so whats happened as they all still reside in my Facebook album?
Very strange... This is the below link to a pic below that we can see:
https://scontent-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphot ... e=55A01975
This is the below link to a pic below that we cannot see:
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/ ... 3911_n.jpg
Here's me looking at the album and choosing one of the first few photo's on there:
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/ ... 2a5b79bd26
Lookin at the middle link, it is a lot shorter than the third (second does not work, third does work). The third link is the same until the .jpg section, and then it has this added on: oh=178fbd76c984e6e77abc5f2dc9140536&oe=55A92C88&__gda__=1437022106_b914563d2c7d9875c034b72a5b79bd26
Which looks like a hash sequence, so it appears that when facebook made their recent upgrade to https from http , (https is an encrypted version of a site, making it more secure, hence the hash sequence - a random generated set of numbers and letters on every single item), it added at the end of every image, a hash sequence. So the old posts are referencing a link with no hash, which is why it can't find the image.
The simple (but not fun - i've done this before so i know how unfun it is) solution is to click on edit in the post, find the pic on facebook, and copy and paste in the new URL to replace the old one. PITA! Thanks FB
How to post pics: When writing a message, scroll down and use the "attach file" option. Where possible, a photo sharing service can be used such as Flickr, Imgur etc. The image location (usually ending in .jpg) can be copy and pasted between the ][ brackets that appear when you click the 'Img' button (you can find this button at the top of the message box).
How to post youtube vids: Click on the 'youtubeHD' button at the top of the message box and in the middle of the ][ brackets that just appeared, copy and paste everything from the youtube web address that appears after the = sign i.e if this is the url:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2cNqaPSHv0 just copy "K2cNqaPSHv0").