I remember in one of your last posts you were talking about superchargers and gearboxes, so i thought you were just keeping busy with all that stuff. Looks like you've got some good stuff planned for the Camaro
I had a read through of the blog you posted, i thought it was well written even though you said you're not much of a wordsmith. Sounds like there's been a lot going on, i must say good on you for posting that link, probably not the easiest thing to do and does take a lot of courage. I don't think i could ever have the confidence to post up along those lines. Looks like you've had good support along the way and there's definitely more positivity that comes across in the more recent posts
. I can't speak for others on the forum but personally doesn't make a difference to me - carry on carrying on. It's your life, you only get to live it once, do what makes you happy. I think that being true to yourself is difficult but also one of the most rewarding things you can do.
Probably the key message i picked up was when you said about not feeling comfortable and how after many years that changed to feeling comfortable. That's what it's about and it's often not an easy thing to do whatever needs to be done. I helped a friend come out the closet - long story short, she had a long term boyfriend but there were certain things she said and just in general she wasn't happy... but she didn't realise it. I pointed some things out to her and then it started becoming more obvious, for example when we would be out somewhere and both be staring at a girl. Didn't take her long to start dating girls and now she's in a long term relationship with one and she's so much happier. She was most scared of telling her parents as they are quite traditional but she told them that she was happy and that's all that mattered, so they kind of go with it. You've taken some brave steps, keep it up.
Anyway, point is, all good on this end!
And yes, Camaro stuff... keep the engine build updated, want to see how you get it to running 10's!
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