Thanks for the update Stu, not looking good
It's sad that as soon as they bring something up like this, it's inevitbale that it will happen
will be hybrid and all single deck will be zero emission (eg. electric)
Electricity comes from... (say it altogether kids) burning fossil fuels! Sure, we have increased the amount of electricity generated from wood, solar, recylced etc. but only by a small amount. Perhaps they should concentrate on creating cleaner energy before increaseing the demand on electricity. Hydro power off shore, wind generators on roofs of tall buildings (not the traditional fan style but the newer vertical style onces which are more concealed) and making it mandatory for all new buildings to have solar panls and all industrial / office buildings etc. to have solar panels. Otherwise the emissions are still being generated, just elsewhere.
not as bad for older cars - most 3rd and 4th gen Camaros for example still won't be exempt for many years to come though
Didn't quite get that, could you elaborate? Are they exempt after 2020 or something?
It's an excellent incentive to force people to buy new compliant things, cars in this case. It will give a good boost to car makers and also to the government for their 20% VAT on all the cars being sold. I'm sure there will be scrappage schemes around 2019 to 'prepare' people for the new emission zone. The government can they make £ from selling the scrap to China. China will be then manufacturing these new cars, parts etc. so China will be benefiting the most out of this. They of course have terrible emissions and have some under the table deals to make sure theyy keep producing on the cheap, so as part of the deal they don't comply with emmisions targets etc. So, those emissions will still get created... just elsewhere. Our pockets will get lighter, our Governments will get a bit heavier and China's a lot heavier. Yay.
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